Paradise unspoiled
In the vast wilderness of the Western North region of Ghana is Bia Conservation Area. The twin area covers 306km2 composing 77.7km2 of Bia National Park in the north and 227.9km2 of Bia Resource Reserve in the south. The area is situated in the transition zone between moist evergreen forest in the south and moist semi-deciduous in the north. The average annual rainfall is 1500mm to 1800mm. Relative humidity is 90% at night and 75% in the afternoon. The mean monthly temperatures fall between 24oC and 28oC. It is situated in Juaboso-Bia landscape. It isunder the Bia and Juaboso Districts, with Essem-Debiso and Juaboso as Districts capitals respectively.
The Bia National Park is the home of African forest elephants, chimpanzees, White-nosed sooty Mangabey, Olive Colobus, Bongo, Bushbuck, 130 species of birds and 404 species of butterflies. It is the first UNESCO recognised Biosphere Reserve in Ghana

The Bia National Park and Bia Resource Reserve constitute a twin conservation area. It is found in the transitional zone between moist-evergreen and moist semi-deciduous forest types. It covers a total area of 305.62km² of the original National Park, which was later divided into. 277.92km² Bia Resource Reserve and the other 77.7km² represent the National Park.. It is the only the Biosphere Reserve in the country.
Sixty-two species of mammals have been recorded. These include 10 primates amongst which are the Black and White Colobus, the Oilve Colobus, Red Colobus monkeys and chimpanzees. The forest elephant and the highly threatened bongo are present. Over 160 species of birds have been recorded; they include the internationally endangered white-breasted guinea fowl.
A number of walking trails and roads lead into the reserves on which tourist can appreciate the beauty of the forest. The birds, forest elephants and other wild animals may be spotted. The reserves offer opportunities for scientific and ecological studies and research for visiting researchers.
Infrastrucural facilities for tourist are non-existent at the moment. The nearest place where overnight facility for tourist exists is Sefwi Wiawso, which is about 100km away from the Park headquarters.
They are situated in the Juabeso-Bia district in the southwestern corner of Ghana.Access to the Park from Kumasi is through Bibiani, Sefwi Wiawso to Sefwi Asempanaye or Goaso through Sankore to Sefwi Asempanaye. From Sunyani it can be reached throughBrekum, Wanfi, Adabokrom and Debiso. From La Cote D’lvoire the Park can be reached through Osei Kojokrom and Debiso. The roads mentioned above are not by any means first class roads.