Hon. Benito Owusu Bio, Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources and Mr. John Allotey, Chief Executive of Forestry Commission made presentations at the Minister’s Press Briefing on the topic “Recent Developments in the Forestry Sub- Sector” at the Ministry of Information.The highlights of the press briefing were on theRead More →

The Timber Validation Department of the Forestry Commission organised a 2-week training session for 1000 staff at the Forestry Commission Training Centre in Ejisu. The programme brought together staff from all 16 regions across the various divisions and centres of the country. The training sought to enlighten staff on theRead More →

The Deputy Chief Executive (DCE) OF Forestry Commission (FC), Mr. Nyadia Sulemana Nelson, has assured the newly recruited staff of the Ghana Shea Landscape Emissions Reduction Programme (GSLERP) of the support of the Chief Executive’s secretariat in the execution of their duties. He advised that staff put in their utmostRead More →

The Chief Executive of Forestry Commission, Mr. John Allotey and the Deputy Chief Executive, Mr. Nyadia Sulemana Nelson, together with management of the Commission have welcomed the newly appointed Deputy Chief Executive, Hon. Musah Iddrisu officially to the Commission.Mr. Allotey pledged the support of all staff towards the work ofRead More →

The Greater Accra Chapter of the Forestry Commission Ladies Association in collaboration with the Human Resources Department have commemorated the global breast cancer awareness month with a breast cancer screening program under the global theme “GIVE HOPE, SAVE LIVES”The program was purposely organized for staff of the Commission to urgeRead More →