Eighty-one (81) staff of the Rapid Response Unit of the Forestry Commission (FC) have undergone a 3-week rigorous military training at the 64 Infantry Regiment Training School at Asutsuare. The training was aimed at equipping the staff with tactical skills in unarmed combat, patrolling, ambush, obstacle courses, physical fitness, law enforcement, map reading, and marksmanship principles, thus the ability to accurately handle firearms, leadership, and communication skills.
The Acting (Ag.) Officer Commanding, Lieutenant (Lt.) Ayiwele, briefed staff and management of the Forestry Commission on topics the staff were trained in during their 3 week stay at the Asutsuare Training Center. According to him, forest illegalities such as illegal logging, illegal mining (galamsey), and farming, among others, have become a danger to good forest management and emphasized the need for this training.
The Deputy Chief Executive of FC, Hon. Musah Superior, who was also the Guest of Honour, congratulated all the 81 trainees especially, the only female who undertook the training to its successful completion. He stated that the skills they have acquired will put them on a higher pedestal in the fight against forest illegalities.
He, however, advised them to use the skills for the purpose for which they were acquired and not to intimidate others. The Guest of Honour appreciated the trainers from the Ghana Armed Forces, especially, the officers in charge of the 64 Infantry Regiment Training School, who took them through the intensive training. He appreciated Baffour Kwesi Sarpong I, Mponuahene of Apedwa, coordinator for the training program, for his unwavering support all these years in ensuring that the right competent staff were selected for each session.
During the ceremony, Lt. Colonel (Col.) Prince Frimpong Owusu, the Commanding Officer (CO) of the school, mentioned the remarkable progress he witnessed in the trainees, commending their dedication and professionalism. Lt. Col. Owusu also praised their advancements in teamwork, confidence, and leadership, urging them to apply their newfound skills in their future endeavors. He advised them to be positive ambassadors of the 64 Infantry.
The Human Resource (HR) Manager for the Forest Service Division (FSD), Dr. Abdul Nassir Abubakar, on behalf of the Human Resource Director, Mrs. Anne Brown, praised the team for their accomplishments during the 3-week training. He commended their positive attitudes and preparedness to learn new skills and emphasized the importance of applying the knowledge and skills they have gained in executing their duties. He hammered on the fact that they are now ambassadors for the Forestry Commission and the 64 Infantry, hence they should always portray good behavior wherever they find themselves.
Before the closing ceremony, the trainees impressed their trainers and FC staff present with a quarter guard parade inspection and exhibition of skills they acquired during their stay at Asutsuare. These skills included climbing monkey ladders, running through fire, firearm skills, survival skills, and first aid treatment. The trainees were awarded certificates for the successful completion of the courses.