The first in the series of the 2022 Health Talk programme by the Corporate Human Resource Department (HR) for Forestry Commission (FC) staff has taken place at the FC Auditorium.
The Health Talk series organised qquarter, is to address contemporary health issues in order to promote a culture of healthy standard of living and reduce workplace accidents and hazards.
The Resource Person for the programme, Dr Collins Badu Agyemang of the University of Ghana, Psychology Department, on the topic: “The Power of Goal Setting and Resilience” explained to participants how setting reachable goals and attaining them helps one take charge of his or her physical, mental and social wellbeing as well as build resilience to cope with the normal stresses of life. A few of the reachable goals highlighted are time management, assertiveness, building emotional intelligence and a reading habit, meeting new people, learning new things and accepting change.
Among others, Dr Badu Agyemang underscored the importance of filling the mind with positive affirmations or self-talks as a means to keeping the body healthy as it has been established that what one holds in the mind invariably affects the body.
The Deputy Chief Executive, Hon Iddrisu Musa; Director of Corporate HR, Mrs Anne Brown; a section of Managers and staff drawn from the various Departments and Units of the Commission attended the programme.